Photos/Videos Click on the below image(s) and/or scroll down for videos and media highlights! No items found Media Highlights News 3 investigates how perpetrators use religion and spirituality as a form of abuse Abuse comes in many different forms, as News 3 has been exploring all this week in our series on domestic... News 3 investigates how technology plays a role in domestic abuse Domestic violence continues to plague homes throughout Hampton Roads, and abuse comes in many different forms. News 3 is investigating... ‘I had nothing in my name’: An investigation into aspects of financial abuse Domestic abuse is happening in homes throughout Hampton Roads, and the COVID-19 pandemic has put a strain on people stuck... 123456…10
News 3 investigates how perpetrators use religion and spirituality as a form of abuse Abuse comes in many different forms, as News 3 has been exploring all this week in our series on domestic...
News 3 investigates how technology plays a role in domestic abuse Domestic violence continues to plague homes throughout Hampton Roads, and abuse comes in many different forms. News 3 is investigating...
‘I had nothing in my name’: An investigation into aspects of financial abuse Domestic abuse is happening in homes throughout Hampton Roads, and the COVID-19 pandemic has put a strain on people stuck...
News 3 investigates how perpetrators use religion and spirituality as a form of abuse
News 3 investigates how technology plays a role in domestic abuse
‘I had nothing in my name’: An investigation into aspects of financial abuse