Photos/Videos Click on the below image(s) and/or scroll down for videos and media highlights! No items found Media Highlights Domestic abuse survivor turns tragedy into triumph in the boxing ring Neisha Himes is a survivor. She managed to live through physical domestic abuse, escaping repeated assaults from a former boyfriend.... Domestic violence survivor and advocate publishes adult coloring book to help victims Concerns over domestic violence continue as the COVID-19 pandemic forces people to stay home. Neisha Himes said she knows what... YWCA of South Hampton Roads honors domestic violence survivors and remembers lives lost October 21 is Purple Thursday – a day to bring awareness to domestic violence, an ongoing and profound issue across... 12345…10
Domestic abuse survivor turns tragedy into triumph in the boxing ring Neisha Himes is a survivor. She managed to live through physical domestic abuse, escaping repeated assaults from a former boyfriend....
Domestic violence survivor and advocate publishes adult coloring book to help victims Concerns over domestic violence continue as the COVID-19 pandemic forces people to stay home. Neisha Himes said she knows what...
YWCA of South Hampton Roads honors domestic violence survivors and remembers lives lost October 21 is Purple Thursday – a day to bring awareness to domestic violence, an ongoing and profound issue across...
Domestic abuse survivor turns tragedy into triumph in the boxing ring
Domestic violence survivor and advocate publishes adult coloring book to help victims
YWCA of South Hampton Roads honors domestic violence survivors and remembers lives lost